Museum of Northern Arizona - Walnut Canyon National Monument Collection (MNA-WACA)

The Museum of Northern Arizona Walnut Canyon National Monument Collection (MNA-WACA) is an important collection of both specimens and associated images of arthropods within Walnut Canyon National Monument on the Colorado Plateau. The MNA houses over 300,000 arthropod specimens, collected over a span of 100 years, primarily from the western United States. The MNA is working on projects related to matters of ecology, conservation and biodiversity for National Parks and National Monuments. The goal of the MNA-WACA collection, on behalf of the National Park Service and the MNA, is to represent material relevant to ecologists, taxonomists, conservationists and the public.
Contact: Gary D. Alpert (
Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Data snapshot of local collection database
Last Update:
Digital Metadata: EML File
Collection Statistics
  • 389 occurrence
  • 388 (100%) georeferenced
  • 389 (100%) with images
  • 138 (35%) identified to species
  • 129 families
  • 249 genera
  • 129 species
  • 129 total taxa (including subsp. and var.)
Extra Statistics
Geographic Distribution
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