Cryptorhynchus minutissimus LeConte, 1876
Source: O'Brien, C.W., Wibmer, G.J. 1982.
Family: Curculionidae
Cryptorhynchus minutissimus image
Michael Jansen  
7. C. minutissimus, n. sp. Oval, moderately elongate, brown, varied with blackish spots, clothed with black, brown and pale scales; the latter forming an elongate basal spot on the prothorax, and a transverse band behind the middle of the elytra, angulated at the suture; short, stout, erect bristles are intermixed. Beak stout, flattened, punctured, naked from the tip to the middle (antennae not seen). Prothorax wider than long, narrowed gradually in front, moderately rounded on the sides, strongly constricted near the tip, not carinate, postocular lobes nearly obsolete; base very feebly bisinuate, median angle very obtuse, indistinct. Scutellum hardly visible. Elytra very little wider than prothorax at base; humeri rounded, not prominent; sides slightly rounded, then obliquely narrowed to the tip; striae composed of large punctures, which are concealed by the scales, so that the striae appear to be fine and impressed. Thighs unarmed; tibiae straight; outer edge angulated near the base; tarsi as in the preceding species. Body beneath deeply and densely punctured; clothed with dirt colored scales. Length 2.5 mm. ; .10 inch. Virginia to Louisiana. I have adopted the Catalogue name of Dejean for this very pretty little species. Col. Motschulsky gave me two individuals as his Acalles pictus and fasciculatus, but I believe that the names were never published. In generic characters this species differs greatly from Acalles, though somewhat resembling A. clavatus in size and form.