Eleodes tribulus Thomas, 2005
Source: TenebrioniDBase, 2015
Family: Tenebrionidae
Eleodes tribulus image
Andrew Johnston  
Johnston et al. 2015
Diagnosis: Body elongate ovate, covered in long, pilose setae. Pronotum subquadrate, lateral margins arcuate, narrowing posteriorly, anterior angles rounded, not produced, disc moderately punctate. Elytra with moderate punctures arranged in more or less confused striae, males often with caudal extension of elytra. Profemora unarmed, sometimes moderately sinuate distally. Protarsi lined with dark spicules, plantar surface uninterrupted. Distribution: Maricopa and Pinal counties, AZ. Sonora, Mexico
Eleodes tribulus image
Andrew Johnston  
Eleodes tribulus image
Andrew Johnston  
Eleodes tribulus image
Eleodes tribulus image
Eleodes tribulus image
Eleodes tribulus image
Eleodes tribulus image
Eleodes tribulus image