Centrinopus mendax (Champion, 1908)
Source: O'Brien, C.W., Wibmer, G.J. 1982.
Family: Curculionidae
not available

Elliptic, nigro-piceous or piceous, the antennae, legs, and tip of the rostrum more or less ferruginous; thickly clothed with pale ochraceous, lanceolate scales, the prothorax often with two vittae on the disc and the elytra with the suture and one or two faint stripes fulvous, the elytral vestiture arranged in two lines on each interstice, the first with one line only; the vestiture of the under surface close and uniformly whitish or yellowish-white. Rostrum a little longer than the head and prothorax, moderately stout, strongly arcuate, thickly punctate and subcarinate, the apical half smoother in the ♀, the antennae inserted at (♀) or slightly beyond (♂) the middle. Prothorax transverse, arcuately narrowing the base, densely punctate. Elytra subtriangular, finely striate, the interstices rugulosely punctate. Prosternum almost unimpressed behind the transverse subapical groove, unarmed in the ♂. Anterior and intermediate tibiae sharply unguiculate in the ♂, feebly so in the ♀.

Length 2-2(1/2)mm, Breadth 1-1(1/3)mm. (♂,♀)

Hab. Mexico (Truqui), Toxpam (Salle), Jalapa (Hoge), Cordova (U.S. Nat. Mus.), Atoyac, Orizaba, Teapa (H. H. Smith); Guatemala, Cerro Zunil, Zapote, Capetillo, Duenas, Guatemala city, Aceytuno, Chiacam (Champion), Trece Aguas (U.S. Nat. Mus.).

Apparently a common insect in Mexico and Guatemala. This is one of various forms resembling G. lentiginosus, chiefly recognizable by the rather coarse vestiture, the prothorax and elytra often with evanescent darker stripes (but always without trace of a dark spot on the suture); the prosternum of the male unarmed; the anterior and intermediate tibiae rather strongly unguiculate in both sexes. The mandibles are short and slightly decussate at the tip.