Crotanius trivittatus (Champion, 1908)
Source: O'Brien, C.W., Wibmer, G.J. 1982.
Family: Curculionidae
Crotanius trivittatus image

Subrhomboidal, black; the prothorax and elytra with three rather broad continuous vittae (the outer ones submarginal on the elytra, the median one confined to the sutural interstice and not extending to the scutellum), which are sometimes connected across the anterior portion of the pronotum, the anterior half of the prothorax beneath, and the metathoracic episterna, densely clothed with narrow ochreous scales, the rest of the vestiture of the upper surface close and black, and that of the under surface and legs white, the rostrum with a few hair-like ochreous scales. Head closely punctate, transversely grooved between the eyes; rostrum strongly arcuate, longer than the head and prothorax, stout in its basal half and becoming more slender thence to the tip, striate-punctate, the apical half much smoother in the ♀, the antennae inserted at (♀) or beyond (♂) the middle, joints 1 and 2 of the funiculus elongate, 2 nearly as long as 1, the club ovate. Prothorax transverse, subconical, feebly constricted in front; densely, finely, confluently punctate. Elytra subtriangular, narrowly punctate-striate the interstices broad and densely, rugulosely punctate. Beneath densely punctate. Prosternum slightly depressed down the middle in front of the coxae, the latter narrowly separated. Tibiae strongly unguiculate.

♂ - Prosternum armed with two downwardly directed spines; first ventral segment flattened down the middle; anterior tibiae slightly hollowed on the inner side at the apex.

♀ - Prosternum with a small conical tubercle in front of each anterior coxa which is sometimes obsolete.

Length 3(1/2)-4(1/2)mm, breadth l(7/8)-2(2/5)mm, ( ♂,♀)

Hab. Mexico (Mus, Brit.; coll. Solari), Orizaba (Salle); Guatemala (Salle), near the city (Salvin), Capetillo, Duenas, San Geronimo (Champion), Chimaltenango (Conradt), Senahu (Haase, in U.S. Nat. Mus.); Panama, Volcan de Chiriqui (Champion)

Numerous examples. A well-marked species, easily distinguishable by the three sharply-defined, continuous, ochreous vittae on the prothorax and elytra, and the elongate first and second joints of the funiculus. Larger than G. lineelus, the rostrum very much stouter towards the base, the prothorax more transverse, the prosternal spines short, &c.