Pubitelphusa latifasciella (Chambers, 1875)
Source: Pohl, GR, Patterson, B, and Pelham JP. 2016 [unpublished]. Annotated taxonomic checklist of the Lepidoptera of North America, North of Mexico. EXCEL version 1.1. (15 June 2016)
Family: Gelechiidae
Pubitelphusa latifasciella image
Gelechia latifascia Chambers, 1875: 251
Telphusa latifasciella: Busck, 1902[1903]: 496: 
Pubitelphusa latifasciella: Lee & Brown, 2013: 

NEOTYPE: designated by Sangmi Lee, 2012: female, with the following labels "Chambers. Mo.," "Type 2940," "genitalia slide no. 3276, R.W. Hodges"

DESCRIPTION: Wing length 11.0–14.0 mm. Head light gray or off-white, sprinkled with dark gray scales. Antenna dark gray, greater than half the length of forewing. Labial palpus offwhite, second segment with three dark gray annuli: one at base, one beyond middle, and one before apex, third segment with two dark gray annuli: one near base, one beyond middle. Thorax and tegula dark gray, sparsely sprinkled with off-white scales, with tufts of raised scales on lateral mesoscutum. Forewing ground color gray, with tufts of raised scales, subbasal fascia dark gray, median fascia dark gray with two spots, postmedian fascia dark gray with two spots; some specimens off-white between subbasal and median fasciae and variably shaded with gray between other fasciae, some specimens with variable shades of gray between all fasciae, some specimens unicolorous dark gray with faint indications of fasciae; venation as in description of genus. Hindwing ground color gray with brown to gray fringe.