Melanoplus occidentalis (Thomas, 1872)
Source: ITIS_080509
Family: Acrididae
Melanoplus occidentalis image
Field Guide to Grasshoppers, Katydids, and Crickets of the United States
A reddish-brown species, dark above and yellowish below. Top of the head is marked with a dark stripe that sometimes continues onto the pronotum. Lateral lobes of the pronotum bear a dark stripe or patch. Forewings extend to, or beyond, the tip of the abdomen. They are dark but bear alternating light and dark square-shaped spots centrally. Hind femora are dark, with oblique pale bands. Hind tibiae are light blue. Males are 18 mm long, females 25 mm.

In males, the cerci are unusually large and triangular or ear-like in shape, wide basally and rounded at the tip. The extensions of the furcula are small and triangular.

Melanoplus occidentalis image
Melanoplus occidentalis image
Sangmi Lee  
Melanoplus occidentalis image
Melanoplus occidentalis image
Melanoplus occidentalis image
Sangmi Lee  
Melanoplus occidentalis image
Melanoplus occidentalis image
Melanoplus occidentalis image
Chelsey Tellez  
Melanoplus occidentalis image
Melanoplus occidentalis image
Melanoplus occidentalis image
Sangmi Lee  
Melanoplus occidentalis image
Melanoplus occidentalis image
Melanoplus occidentalis image
Melanoplus occidentalis image
Melanoplus occidentalis image
Melanoplus occidentalis image