Sinoe robiniella (Fitch, 1859)
Source: Pohl, GR, Patterson, B, and Pelham JP. 2016 [unpublished]. Annotated taxonomic checklist of the Lepidoptera of North America, North of Mexico. EXCEL version 1.1. (15 June 2016)
Family: Gelechiidae
Sinoe robiniella image

Lectotype: male, with five labels “Kentucky. Chambers,” “Type 1533”, “slide m# No. 915,” “Sinoe fuscopalidella, Ky, Chamb,” and “Lectotype, Sinoe fuscopalidella, Desig. by Sangmi Lee, 2011.”Also genitalia slide labeled C.N.C. No. 915 (MCZ 1172). Missing the head. Deposited in the MCZ.