Eremochelis tanneri Muma, 1989
Notes: valid
Family: Eremobatidae
not available

Type Material


Holotype: “Female holotype from the Tecoma Range, Copper Mts., Utah near Lucin, Utah in June, 1928 by Vasco M. Tanner in BYU” (Muma, 1989, p. 25).


Measurements: Female holotype: Total, 20.0 mm length. Chelicera, 5.2 mm length; 2.1 mm width. Propeltidium, 2.2 mm length; 3.9 mm width. Palpus, 15.0 mm length; CL/CW=2.48. Leg I, 12.0 mm length; PW/PL=1.77. Leg IV, 20.0 mm length; A/CP=6.35. CP=7.4.


Chelicerae Description: “Dentition is greatly reduced . . . No mesal tooth on movable cheliceral finger . . . Otherwise setation similar to other females of group. Both rows of fondle teeth graded I, III, II, IV in size” (Muma, 1989, p. 25).


Palpal Description: “Palpus faintly dusky on apical end of femur and all of tibia, metatarsus, and tarsus; other structures paler” (Muma, 1989, p. 24-25).


Ctenidia Description: “only 2 trace ctenidia on first post-stigmatic abdominal sternite” (Muma, 1989, p. 25).


Diagnosis: “Species seems to be most closely related in both size and opercular form to iviei and malkini. Differs from both by pale coloration and cheliceral dentition. Presence of two trace ctenidia distinguish it from malkini which has 6 and from insignitis which has 4” (Muma, 1989, p. 24).

Other Information: “Only one, broken off, primary seta and 3 minor setae could be found in ECCS under normal light at 140x magnification” (Muma, 1989, p. 25).