Hemerotrecha pseudotruncata Brookhart & Cushing, 2008
Source: Brookhart, J.O, & Cushing, P.E. 2008. Hemerotrecha banksi (Arachnida, Solifugae), a diurnal group of solifuges from North America. Journal of Arachnology 36: 49-64
Family: Eremobatidae
Hemerotrecha pseudotruncata image
Erika Garcia  
Type Material

Holotype: Type material examined from the USA, Nevada, Nye County, "male holotype Monitor Summit (38.8°N, 115.5°W), 27.3 km E. of Tonapah, October 1982 - September 1983, D. Giuliani (ESS); female allotype: Currant Summit, 16.1 km E. of Currant, October 1982 - September 1983, D. Giuliani (ESS)" (Brookhart & Cushing, 2008, p. 59).

Etymology: "The species name refers to the modified hook at the tip of male fixed finger, which is similar to H. truncata but not as radically modified" (Brookhart & Cushing, 2008, p. 59).

Chelicerae Description: Chelicerae "with sharp hook apically but not nearly as prominent as in H. truncata, a short, deep concave cup-like mesal ventral groove apically, anterior ventral edge concave, movable finger with large primary tooth, smaller anterior tooth, single intermediate tooth separated from primary tooth, crenulations on the anterior dorsal edge; obscure to small fondal notch (Fig. 38)" (Brookhart & Cushing, 2008, p. 60).

Operculum Description: Genital region "smaller and more oval than other members of this group (Fig. 42)" (Brookhart & Cushing, 2008, p. 60).

Diagnosis: "This species differs from H. truncata by having less radical hook-like tip on the male fixed finger, slightly broader and shorter ctenidia, and slightly lighter coloration" (Brookhart & Cushing, 2008, p. 59).

Remarks: "Hemerotrecha pseudotruncata seems closely related to H. truncata" (Brookhart & Cushing, 2008, p. 60).

Hemerotrecha pseudotruncata image
Erika Garcia  
Hemerotrecha pseudotruncata image
Erika Garcia  
Hemerotrecha pseudotruncata image
Erika Garcia