Hemerotrecha hanfordana Brookhart & Cushing, 2008
Source: Journal of Arachnology, 36(1):49-64. 2008
Family: Eremobatidae
Hemerotrecha hanfordana image
AMNH Type  
Type Material

Holotype: Materials examined from USA Washington, "male holotype, Hanford National Monument, Wahluke Wildlife Area, White Bluffs Ferry, Franklin County (46.41°N, 119.47°W) 5-12 July 2002, R.S Zack (DMNS). Female allotype, 2 male and 2 female paratypes, collected with holotype (DMNS); 3 male, 1 female paratypes (WSU)" (Brookhart & Cushing, 2008, p. 54).

Chelicerae Description: "fixed finger with small ridge basally on the dorsal edge, and a slightly hooked tip, ventral edge smooth with a short, deep mesal ventral groove apically (arrow, Fig. 16). Two specimens had very thin denticles. Movable finger with large primary tooth, two intermediate teeth, and anterior tooth, posterior intermediate tooth is separate from primary tooth and fondal notch obscure to absent; fondal teeth graded I, III, II, IV (Figs. 16, 17)" (Brookhart & Cushing, p. 54).

Ctenidia Description: "two flat, pointed ctenidia extending across half of the succeeding abdominal segment (Fig. 19)" (Brookhart & Cushing, 2008, p. 54).

Remarks: "The male of H. californica described by Muma (1951) was probably a member of this species. Hemerotrecha hanfordana is founds in xeric regions of the Basin and Range system and extends into both northeastern California and northwestern Utah. This roughly corresponds with the distribution of Eremochelis bidepressus Muma 1951 and another Hemerotrecha, H. denticulata Muma 1951" (Brookhart & Brookhart 2008, p. 54).

Hemerotrecha hanfordana image
AMNH Type  
Hemerotrecha hanfordana image
AMNH Type  
Hemerotrecha hanfordana image
AMNH Type  
Hemerotrecha hanfordana image
AMNH Type  
Hemerotrecha hanfordana image
AMNH Type  
Hemerotrecha hanfordana image
Chris Grinter  
Hemerotrecha hanfordana image
Chris Grinter  
Hemerotrecha hanfordana image
Chris Grinter  
Hemerotrecha hanfordana image
Chris Grinter  
Hemerotrecha hanfordana image
Chris Grinter  
Hemerotrecha hanfordana image
Chris Grinter  
Hemerotrecha hanfordana image
Chris Grinter  
Hemerotrecha hanfordana image
Zane Holditch  
Hemerotrecha hanfordana image
Chris Grinter  
Hemerotrecha hanfordana image
Chris Grinter  
Hemerotrecha hanfordana image
Chris Grinter  
Hemerotrecha hanfordana image
Chris Grinter  
Hemerotrecha hanfordana image
Chris Grinter