Hemerotrecha truncata Muma, 1951
Notes: valid
Family: Eremobatidae
Hemerotrecha truncata image
AMNH Holotype  
Type Material. - Hemerotrecha truncata Muma 1951:102, fig. 197; Muma 1970:41

Holotype: Type material from USA California, "Tulare County: male holotype, Exeter (36.3°N, 119.14°W), 16 May 1909, C.L. Fox (AMNH)" (Brookhart & Cushing, 2008, p. 57).

Chelicerae Description: "fixed finger sharply hooked (parrot beak) with deep cup-like mesal ventral groove apically, no dorsal trough/ridge. Dentition typical of the group with posterior intermediate tooth of movable finger separate from primary tooth (Fig. 32)" (Brookhart & Cushing, 2008, p. 58).

Ctenidia Description: "two long, thin ctenidia extending the length of the succeeding sternite (Fig 34)" (Brookhart & Cushing, 2008, p. 58).

Diagnosis: "This species is easily distinguished by the parrot-beak shaped hook on the tip of male fixed finger. Specimens are darkly colored" (Brookhart & Cushing, 2008, p. 58).

Remarks: "This very distinctive member of the H. banksi group inhabits the Mohave Desert Region of eastern California" (Brookhart & Cushing, 2008, p. 59).

Hemerotrecha truncata image
AMNH Holotype  
Hemerotrecha truncata image
AMNH Holotype  
Hemerotrecha truncata image
AMNH Holotype  
Hemerotrecha truncata image
AMNH Holotype  
Hemerotrecha truncata image
AMNH Holotype  
Hemerotrecha truncata image