Hemerotrecha banksi Muma, 1951
Notes: valid
Family: Eremobatidae
Hemerotrecha banksi image
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Type Material

Holotype: "Male type of Hemerotrecha californica (Banks) from Pacific Grove, California (Harold Heath), in the Museum of Comparative Zoology. Female allotype of Hemerotrecha banksi, new name, from Redwood City, California, May 18, 1924 (William Meehan), in the American Museum of Natural History. Female paratypes in the collections of Cornell University and the University of Utah" (Muma, 1951, p. 100).

Chelicerae Description: "Dentition of chelicerae variable but following the general pattern shown in figures 185 to 187. Movable finger with large principal tooth, anterior tooth about half the size of principal tooth, two intermediate teeth, of which the proximal is larger, a series of eight to 10 denticulus in front of anterior tooth, and no mesal tooth. Fixed finger broad, undulate, and blunt at the tip. Fondal notch U-shaped, obscure, and only one-third as wide as base of fixed finger" (Muma, 1951, p. 99).

Chelicerae Setae Description: "Flagellum complex typical of group, with dorsal row of five striate bristles tubular except for apical and subapical bristles which are broad and flattened. Plumose bristles gently curved ventrally and weakly plumose. Mesal setae of movable finger plumose except for a few at the distal end of the finger" (Muma, 1951, p. 99).

Operculum Description: "Opercula of genital segment shown in figure 192" (Muma, 1951, p. 100).

Ctenidia Description: "Structure similar to that of male. Some specimens have two fine, hair-like trace ctenidia on the first post-spiracular abdominal sternite which are scarcely distinguishable from setal clothing" (Muma, 1951, p. 100).

Hemerotrecha banksi image
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Hemerotrecha banksi image
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Hemerotrecha banksi image
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Hemerotrecha banksi image
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Hemerotrecha banksi image
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Hemerotrecha banksi image
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Hemerotrecha banksi image
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Hemerotrecha banksi image
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Hemerotrecha banksi image
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Hemerotrecha banksi image
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Hemerotrecha banksi image
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Hemerotrecha banksi image
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Hemerotrecha banksi image
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Hemerotrecha banksi image
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Hemerotrecha banksi image
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Hemerotrecha banksi image
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Hemerotrecha banksi image
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Hemerotrecha banksi image
AMNH Type  
Hemerotrecha banksi image