Anisorrhamphus squamiventris Champion, 1908
Source: O'Brien, C.W., Wibmer, G.J. 1982.
Family: Curculionidae
Anisorrhamphus squamiventris image

Black, shining, the tip of the rostrum, the antennae in part or entirely, and the tibiae and tarsi, ferruginous or obscure ferruginous; the scutellum and under surface densely clothed with rather coarse whitish or pale ochreous scales. Head closely punctate; rostrum about as long as the head and prothorax, very stout, closely punctate, and setose beneath in the male, more slender and bare in the female, the antennae inserted towards the tip in the male and at about the apical third in the female. Prothorax gradually narrowing from the base, feebly constricted in front; closely, somewhat coarsely punctate, and with indications of a smooth median line. Elytra rather short, rapidly narrowing from the rounded humeri, depressed along the suture to the apex; sharply punctate-striate, the interstices broad, flat, and very sparsely, finely punctate. Pygidium densely punctate, somewhat convex. Beneath densely punctate, the first ventral segment unimpressed in the male. 

Length: 2 3/5– 4 1/8mm, Breadth: 1 1/4- 2.0mm. (♂♀)

Hab. Mexico, Vera Cruz (Sallé); British Hondueas (Blancaneaux); Guatemala, Cahabon, Chiacam, and Panzos in Alta Vera Paz (Champion), Coban (Conradt); Panama, Caldera in Chiriqui (Champion).

Found in numbers at Cahabon in February, 1880. The specimens before me vary greatly in size and also in the intensity of the puncturing of the prothorax. 

Anisorrhamphus squamiventris image
Anisorrhamphus squamiventris image
Michael Shillingburg  
Anisorrhamphus squamiventris image
Anisorrhamphus squamiventris image
Anisorrhamphus squamiventris image
Michael Shillingburg  
Anisorrhamphus squamiventris image
Anisorrhamphus squamiventris image