Rhinoncus longulus (LeConte, 1876)
Family: Curculionidae
Rhinoncus longulus image

         Elongate, black or dark brown, thinly clothed with small white scales; more dense, forming a short posterior dorsal line on the prothorax, and an elongate sutural spot at the base of the elytra. Head and beak densely punctured, the latter stout, not longer than the head. Prothorax not wider than long, slightly narrowed in front, feebly rounded on the sides, coarsely and densely punctured; slightly channeled near the base; tubercles entirely wanting. Elytra wider than the prothorax, elongate-oval, convex, humeri oblique; striae deep, punctured, interspaces flat, densely rugose. Antennae and tarsi testaceous.


Length 2.5mm.; 0.10 inch.