Rutidosoma decipiens (LeConte, 1876)
Source: O'Brien, C.W., Wibmer, G.J. 1982.
Family: Curculionidae
Rutidosoma decipiens image

          Rather elongate, black, beneath clothed with gray scales, above with a few scattered white hairs, and an elongate white sutural spot at the base of the elytra. Head densely punctured; beak () half as long as the body, cylindrical, curved, strongly punctured, striate and carinate towards the base. Prothorax as long as wide, narrowed in front, sides slightly rounded behind, sinuate in front, broadly constricted near the tip, apical margin not elevated, post ocular lobes very feeble, disc very coarsely punctured, channeled behind, tubercles wanting. Elytra elongate-oval, wider than the prothorax, convex, very deeply striate, interspaces not wider than the striae, convex, rough with acute granules. Antenna with 6-jointed funicle; first and second joint longer, the first stouter, club moderate, oval-pointed. Thighs armed with a small but acute tooth; tibiae rather less slender than usual, claws cleft.


           Length 2.4mm.; 0.09 inch.

Last ventral segment with a transverse apical impression.

Kansas and Michigan; two
. This species has a singular resemblance in form and color to Rhinoncus longulus, but the beak and sculpture of the elytra are quite different. The generic characters seem to be very nearly those of Rhytidisomus, but the elytra, though rounded in form are more elongate. I infer therefore that that genus, founded upon a single European species should be suppressed.