Florida Museum of Natural History, McGuire Center for Lepidoptera and Biodiversity
Catalog #: MGCL_1039219
Taxon: Catocala junctura Walker, [1858]
Family: Erebidae
Collector: Evans, Wm H      
Date: 1941-07-05
Verbatim Date: 5 July 1941
Locality: United States, California, Los Angeles, Big Rock Creek West of Lovejoy Buttes, California
Substrate: Under bark
Associated Species: Cottonwood
Occurrence Remarks: Reared; [collected as] pupa under bark of Cottonwood; A. C. Allyn Acc. 1970-48
Specimen Images
Rights Holder: Florida Museum of Natural History, McGuire Center
Record Id: 9e706813-92c3-4b38-9882-8972eeb6b17b
For additional information on this occurrence, please contact: Akito Kawahara (kawahara@flmnh.ufl.edu)
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